there are no mistakes

A site-specific video installation.

Shown at the riff raff / black kite exhibition on 16th November 2023 at black kite studios.

A simple study of performance through repetition. Meisner defines acting as 'living truthfully under imaginary circumstances'. The Meisner ‘repetition’ exercise is designed to bring actors into the moment and create intense focus between them. The result can be alive and uninhibited. This film documents a workshop adapted for dance, with notes from Pina Bausch’s methods.

Featuring Ted Rogers and Jonny Vieco observing and repeating each other’s actions, showing the evolution of a performance.

director + DOP IVANA BOBIC dance + choreo TED ROGERS + JONNY VIECO shot at KUNSTRAUM edit GERI DOCHERTY at the quarry  grade TOM MANGHAM at black kite    thanks to MADDY SMITH, Riff Raff + black kite



